Book 1

The Hi23 Organization buys a large
slice of wilderness. The exploration
crew sets off on a journey, but ends
up in a great deal of trouble when
fights break out.

The exploration crew hears the story
their rescuers have, then find out how
they have to repay them for their help.
The Hi23s find life up in the Cascades is
not easy, with terrified Labradors,
vengeful hillbillies, and just plain
stupidity from everyone.
It doesn't help that Rowan uncovers
a large secret.
After finding an interesting creature hiding in the woods, Rowan starts to learn how to be a dragon. However, tensions rise when the Hi23s request to leave, but the breaking point happens when the Hi23s boss, Mr. Sprarie, arrives to take his workers home. Not to mention, Rowan gets a lovely surprise of his own from Drake.

The hillbilly locals seek revenge,
and take advantage of Mr. Sprarie being close by to wreak that revenge. Drake and his buddies get in on the action, and they try their best to make the petty locals see reason.
Mr. Sprarie's first explains Drake's backstory, then his story takes them back five years to when Drake had himself a powerful empire. Mr. Sprarie had visited Drake to try and talk out a treaty, but why not indulge in a little fun?
The story takes the travelers for a tour around Drake's old empire, a wondrous resort. The luxury was fun and all, but Mr. Sprarie needed to make peace with Drake. How would he succeed with that?
Mr. Sprarie and company discover a hidden city in a mysterious desert. They befriend one of its weird inhabitants to try and get back home. Drake builds a village for his people, and starts to gain their respect.
Childhood friendship doesn't last. Drake learns this the hard way after inadvertently neglecting Harry, Wally, and Penny. The approaching winter drives them to quickly build up the village. Meanwhile, Horizontal undergoes a serious change.
With his mission complete, Horizontal comes back to the desert, wanting to go home. But, he has a new, dangerous task back in Oregon, and Mr. Sprarie and the others must stay behind. Meanwhile, many character's lives are changed back in the Valley in the aftermath of the attack.
The locals' life, now peaceful, is disturbed by the Water Dragons creating a new base. Drake and his friends try to rescue them and knock out a few Water Dragons at the same time. Horizontal and his friends also journey there to start their new mission.

The exploration crew is rescued by a
family and tries to figure out who they really are.

The Hi23s and the 4 MC representatives
get things under control in the now Moose Valley. Several Hi23s are injured, but more is told about the backstory of the Valley.

After failed attempts to revive the dead Rowan, they lose interest and leave him for Peack, the only one with hope. Rowan, meanwhile, has a supernatural experience. Mr. Sprarie finally gets on the road again, and has a long story time to break up the tedium.

Back to the present, Drake is reunited with the other remaining dragons, and his dream civilization starts to form. Meanwhile, Mr. Sprarie and company make a wrong turn and end up in quite a predicament.

The Water Dragons finally reappear, and decide to destroy Drake before he regains too much strength. They send three of their best fighters. Drake has to defend his village, keep his people happy, and worry about his friends all at once, testing his already weak mental state.

Horizontal's new mission: Explore a giant cave and kill the human-bat hybrid inside and save Nugget. The journey is not easy, as frequent antics by scared dupes, deadly bats, and being joined by Whirlpool hinder them greatly. The cave itself is a labyrinth, and no one can figure it out.

After a brief confrontation with the rebelling tarantulas, Drake settles on a deal with them. Down in the caverns, Horizontal and the others split up to try and find a way through. They meet three soldiers looking for a fight in a deep chamber, one of them being quite familiar, and gain some backstory on the cave.

Everyone gets thrown onto different paths. Whirlpool falls back into the beginning of the cave, Tom find the end first, Eddie is captured by the bat-human, Galaxy, and Ericaza tries to figure out where to go after Horizontal and Draggy are knocked unconscious. But they do find a way through, and an epic battle with Galaxy ends the first book.

Book 2

The second book starts with Horizontal and company finally emerging to the Valley, after leaving a collapsed cave which ended the lives of several. But, they finished the mission. One of Galaxy's last remaining sons tells them some secrets that he knew, a memorial service is held, and Mr. Sprarie and his friends finally get back to civilization after being stuck in a cave for weeks.

Rowan and H.B. work together to uncover who the Reaper actually is. The Reaper asks for them to save Whirlpool, with the promise of freedom if they succeed.

Horizontal and company set out again, back to the desert to see the new Zyzowye king. It turns out to be a key character from earlier, who fills them in on his motives. Meanwhile, Drake reunites with Rowan and H.B., who offers to help them tactically.
Behind H.B.'s tactical help, Drake easily destroys most of the Water Dragon base. The Water Dragons are forced to switch main bases, and temporarily leave Drake alone. Meanwhile, Horizontal and company being a helicopter ride home over the ocean, but a bad fog has other ideas.
After being marooned on an island, losing a member of their party, and meeting disgruntled Water Dragons, Horizontal and company are rescued by a friendly cruise ship on its way to Hawaii. Horizontal decides to invade the main Water Dragons base while they're out there.
Horizontal and friends try to invade the Kahoolawe base, but cannot escape the tight security of the Water Dragons. Using their unique skills, they managed to escape with just one casualty. Meanwhile, Drake invades the Crater Lake base to find out what's going on.
While leaving Hawaii, Horizontal and company are overrun by Water Dragons. Locked in the engine room, they are rescued by a sea serpent. They are asked to retrieve an ancient artifact so the constant rain and fog will stop. Meanwhile, after Drake's successful invasion, he builds up his base even more.

The quest for the magic book brings Horizontal back to the Valley, where he questions Kraken and gains no new clues. they travels to Zyzowye City, only to find it deserted. They find a note left behind, which leads them to think something sinister ravaged the city of everything. Meanwhile, order beings to restore to the Water Dragons.
Horizontal and company explore the old Zyzowye Mines to try and find Twenton XVI, but lose several people along the way. They find an old friend, but he is not much help. DeJa Vu explores the deepest parts of the mine to find out what's going on. Meanwhile, the Water Dragons restore order and capture Drake and H.B. as hostages.

The Fire Dragons and the adventure crew are now slaves for the Water Dragons. Joined by Horizontal, they labor tirelessly all day. Meanwhile, the weather seems to be unnaturally hot. As time goes on, it turns into a serious issue.

The slaves escape with some casualties. Horizontal and company go home and prepare for their next mission, while the dragons try to find a new place to live. Evergreen and a few others get captured, and are sentenced to death. Horizontal decided to revisit the Serpent Sity, and finds a great surprise there.
First Edit: Chapter 1 was very critically recieved. It is the first of four that was copied from the original printing of this book. This chapter introduces the characters and sends them off to Whitewater, crashing and finding Drake before they get there. It held much oppurtunity, not used to its potential at all. A renovation project has been started.
UPDATE: The chapter has been rewritten, and no longer makes me want to vomit. This chapter basically introduces all the Hi23s and shows the mysterious land of Whitewater.
Chapter 2
First Edit: This chapter, like the first, was frowned on. It was not very funny, the descriptions were lame, and several plot holes ruined it. It basically introduces Drake's background, as well as building the first step in the
Drake-Hi23s relationship.
UPDATE: This chapter introduces Drake, Harry, etc. and Drake's marvelous house. Also Nugget is a dupe.
Chapter 3
First Edit: Chapter 3 was awful. It could've used more whiny brats to bring in the laugh and 'please kill off the character' vibe, but my horrible writing skills ruined it. It consisited of the Hi23s driving to Moose Valley and introducing Wendy. This chapter is my least favorite.
Update: This chapter explains Drake's story somewhat and shows the party trundling off to Oregon.
Chapter 4
First edit: Chapter 4 is much better compared to the previous three, but sitll awful. The overall idea is lame, but there were several good dialogues that shone through. Evergreen, a much loved character, also makes this chapter better. Basically, they find the drain and have Evergreen push up the MC's.
Update: In the gathering darkness, finding the drain doesn't work. Before we can get to Dragon Mall, the locals get involved and Nugget runs off twice, eventually leading to him spending the night along in the forest. Evergreen is introduced, and Rowan discovers a terrible secret...
Chapter 5
This chapter was amazing compared to the previous ones. Drake first establishes the base, Cynthia is found, and Drake seems to forget about Wally and Harry... Ericaza and Peack are bitten, and Gus finally learned how to write. Mr. Sprarie takes Horizontal, vertical, and Seafine back.
Chapter 6
This chapter had positive reviews. Rowan learns all about dragoning, and dies...
Chapter 18
Chapter 18 was pretty long, because it had to describe the Rabid Bat Cave. These loyal adventurers trudged through a lot of it, finding extraordinary things. Meanwhile, Drake strengthens his relationship with snakes and breaks it with Harry. Also some awesome dialogue with Whirlpool is inserted!
Chapter 7
Chapter 7, quite on the contrary of the last one, takes place mostly around the jailbirds and Sprarie. They head home, but are stopped by a tornado. Can they escape?
Chapter 8
Chapter 8 kills the tornado survivors with debris. Waa waa... Then they find Rowan, also dead. Luckily, they leave in a few days, but Rowan's future is still being decided. Also, the Reaper tells why the Hi23s' name was on Drake's flag...
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 basically holds the beginning of the flashback! Young Drake is explained in further detail. Mr. Sprarie and DeJa Vu (in the flashback) journey to Dragon Mall. Lovable guide Cyril is introduced.
Chapter 10
Chatper 10 continues the flashback. H.B. is introduced, more facts on dragons are learned, and we get a great view of the entire skyscraper.
Chapter 11
Chapter 11 continues the flashback. Drake and Mr. Sprarie work out a treaty. The skyscraper is finished; only to soon be destroyed.
Chapter 12
Chapter 12 shows Drake ripping up the treaty because he is so angry at the Hi23s destroying his castle. Cyril is killed, the Hi23s go home, and the flashback ends. Mr. Sprarie continues to go home, only to be flooded and forced into the woods. Then they get stranded, and meet a ferocious fiend...
Chapter 19
Chapter 19 is pretty long, also as the weary adventurers finally fall down to where they meet and old friend, a ghost, and a moody knight. Whirlpool shows his true colors.
Also, Drake goes partially insane and Harry breaks apart from the dragons.
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 introduced Percy, the Zyzowye. He guides them through the desert to the lost Zyzowye City, where they figure out a way to get in and get Percy and themselves back home and in safe positions. Draggy makes it worse, and they find a convuluted plan to get it out. Meanwhile, Drake gets the other dragons back in his clutches and starts rebuilding his civilization.
Chapter 14
Chapter 14 continues the building of the civilization in moose valley. Harry and Wendy FINALLY get married, and Peack and Ericaza are officially MC's. Meanwhile, the stranded guys get into some heated debates over an obese Santa... Then, the chapter ends on a bad note with the introduction of 5 new characters!
Chapter 15
Well... Chapter 15 basically had the antics of Eddie, Tom, and Alex mixed in with the revival of the 'kicking Nugget' joke from Chapter 4. I was able to mix in all three plot lines. I don't have much to say, other than, get well soon Evergreen!
Chapter 16
Really boring chapter. Nothing really happened except that one party is at the cave, one is imprisoned, and one is about to be imprisoned. Oh yeah Evergreen died and Wendy is apparently pregnant with twins so yeah...
Chapter 17
That was a realllly deathly chapter, literally! Nugget revealed some interesting secrets, Rowan died again, and Nugget is missing. Crater Lake is gone, the water dragons dead, and we're another step closer to the Hi23s headin' home!
Chapter 20
Chapter 20 finished the first book. YAY... Really, some serious kidnapping and fighting, and some beloved characters die. But, our own adventureres escape woith the sword, and some innocent lives. They also left behind a very horrible someone...
Chapter 1
This rather short chapter feautres the origin of Zyzowyes retold by Mr. Sprarie, who was miracolously healed! Now everyone is at the Valley, where Bliss has arrived. Horizontal and Peack are in new dilemnas. Also, Rowan and H.B. face eternal damnation...
Chapter 2
This chapter mainly tells of the *daring* retrieval of General Whirlpool. Basically, the Reaper is uncovered and dies, and H.B. and Rowan are able to leave and go back to the Valley. Also some heart-breaking scenes are included, especially when Penny decided to leave.
Chapter 3
The new ruler of the Hearts is discovered, Whirlpool increases his forces, and a raid is staged on the Valley that kills two!
An old friendenemy is discovered in an unexpected place, greatly increasing the plot's complexity...
Chapter 4
Matters of the explodey type occur. Horizontal and company are able to journey home in a helicopter, but things are less than desirable as they get stranded on an island and three of their party is missing. Also, one of their number may be a traitor! Meanwhile, Colonel Kraken and Matthew of the Water Dragons witness H.B.'s diabolical missiles...
Chapter 5
Kahoolawe Cruise was a plot-progressy chapter that featured the party getting found by a Hi23 cruise ship! They go to Hawaii and investigate strange goings-ons at Kahoolawe. In the Valley, what Penny and Harry were up to is explained, and Drake unwittingly endangers half the Dragon Council on a mission to the Water Dragon base.
Chapter 6
Water Dragon Invasion brought the antics of both groups as they tried to invade the Crater Lake base and the Kahoolawe base. Somehow, they both come out alive with the information they need, but a new death occurs...
Chapter 7
Diamond and Pearl lets the Water Dragons have a little revenge on Horizontal and co, but the sea serpents enter the scene and rescue them. The mystical serpent king tells them about his magic book that was stolen, and the dupes set off to find it. And finally, Nugget gets heartbroken. :(