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NOTE: Please do not view this doc yet, as it is in bad shape and our editor needs to look through it firsrt. When this text is removed it will be ready. Thanks! -Scott

10th Anniversary Celebration



Character Interviews            Nugget Helps Out          10th Anniversary Celebrat.

The Character Interviews were         Nugget Helps Out is unique in the              (To be written... Sorry!)

started as a way to actually ask        way that it was an English assingment

the characters questions, but it         that was actually graded. It was Christ-

soon got out of hand and turned     mas themed. Basically, in many ways,

into a joke where the plot was,        the Hi23s lost money and had to try to

"How many dorky references          get it back, but the task seemed hopeless

can Scott cram into one page?"          to everyone but a young dog named Nugget.

As it turned out, a lot, and what     Nugget goes through some convuluted plans,

was a serious task turned into a     and finds a way to make Christmas happen.

hilarious refresher from the 

everyday humdrum that is my book.


2010-2017 by Scott White.
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